In an era that is all-technology like today, everything can be made digital, so that it is easier, easier, and more practical. the same is the case with books that require students or students to carry them in a bag and are very heavy. In today’s era of gadgets, everyone wants all applications to be included in their gadget. Well. to make digital books easier. more practical and can be opened in your gadget, this time I will share How to make a Digibook (digital book) using FlipBook Maker from publuu.
But before making Digibooks or E-Books (digital books), E-papers, and digital magazines using publuu FlipBook Maker, let’s first read what are they?
What is an E-Book?
E-Book is an abbreviation of Electronic book, which is a digital book that is stored in the form of an electronic application so that it can be opened on a computer. The form can be in the form of pdf, word, HTML, txt, etc. files. But the famous ones are usually e-books in the form of pdf files that can be read with programs such as acrobat reader which can be downloaded previously for free.
What is FlipBook?
Publuu FlipBook Maker is a Website application that is used to create E-Books, Digital Magazines, E-Papers, etc. how to use it is quite easy. Before you create an E-Book, first prepare a file in the form of a PDF, JPG. flv etc. To be able to use FlipBook Maker online, you can visit Publuu at: https://publuu.com/flipbook-maker
Here’s a tutorial using Publuu FlipBook Maker
Please open Publuu Flip bookmaker
Log in with your Publuu account, if you don’t have a Publuu account yet, you can register at https://cms2.publuu.com/register

Add a file whose format is PDF, then click Add file
You can also add music to your E-Book by clicking ADD MUSIC, this will make your E-Book have music when it is opened.
3. Choose a Style that suits your taste, click the Style button then various forms of E-Books will be displayed, you can choose one of them

4. After you feel that it fits the style, now is the time for you to publish by making an application, how to click the Save & Share button, then there will be several choices of application forms like this.
Information :
– SWF: a file in the form of an SWF file that can be opened with a flash player
– EXE: The file will be an application that can be opened without a flash player and opened on any computer.
– HTML: this publication is for HTML format or opened through a Web Browser or placed on the website.
– Email: the finished file will be sent via your E-Mail.